Kondolanse etter attentatet på Japans tidligere statsminister Shinzo Abe.
Japans tidligere statsminister Shinzo Abe talte ved et par anledninger på Fredsforbundets digitale "Rally of Hope" arrangementer. Mr. Abe var en sterk forkjemper for fred og internasjonal orden. Våre kondolanser går til hans familie og det japanske folket. Mr. Abe vil bli savnet
Kondolansebrev til Japans ambassadør i Norge:
His Excellency Ambassador Kawamura Hiroshi,
The tragic death of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last Friday is very sad news. We are very shocked and deeply saddened by the loss of Mr. Abe. On behalf of Universal Peace Federation in Norway we offer our condolences to Mr. Abe’s family and the Japanese people.
As the longest sitting Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Abe has been a very influential and respected politician and a strong supporter of democracy and international order.
Mr. Abe will be greatly missed.
Steinar Murud
Secretary general
Univerelt Fredsforbund
Universal Peace Federation – Norwegian Chapter
Colbjørnsensgate 8c, 0256 Oslo, Norway
Tel.: +47 9208 1299
www.fredsforbundet.no www.upf.org